Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Which one is correct ... 1+1=2 or 1+1=0 ?

Actually, both of them are correct. But can you prove that 1+1=2? and 1+1=0?
Actually 1+1=0 is easier to prove. Let us assume that i=sqrt(-1) and sqrt(ab) = sqrt(a) x sqrt(b).

1 + 1
= 1 + sqrt(1)
= 1 + sqrt(-1 x -1)
= 1 + sqrt(-1) x sqrt(-1)
= 1 + ( i x i )
= 1 + (-1)
= 0
Now, we've proved that 1+1=0. So why is it 1+1 =2? or we just accept it as it is because when we're young we trust our primary school teacher that one plus one become two. But why? We actually don't know the answer. We just believe it that 1+1=2.
Haha... you can find the proof in this book , Principia Mathematica by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell whose spent years of their lives trying to figure out how to come up with a way of being able to do math without involving bad actors. 378 pages later, they'd managed to prove that 1+1=2. Almost.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Math Behind the Beauty

What has mathematics got to do with beauty? Actually, a lot. Physical attraction depends on ratio.

Our attraction to another person's body increases if that body is symmetrical and in proportion. Likewise, if a face is in proportion, we are more likely to notice it and find it beautiful. Scientists believe that we perceive proportional bodies to be more healthy.

Leonardo da Vinci's drawings of the human body emphasised its proportion. The ratio of the following distances is the Golden Ratio:

(foot to navel) : (navel to head)

Similarly, buildings are more attractive if the proportions used follow the Golden Ratio.

Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio (or "Golden Section") is based on Fibonacci Numbers, where every number in the sequence (after the second) is the sum of the previous 2 numbers:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...
We will see (below) how the Fibonnaci Numbers lead to the Golden Ratio:
Φ = 1.618 033 ...
Physical Beauty
Why do many people feel that Jessica Simpson is beautiful?

This mask of the human face is based on the Golden Ratio. The proportions of the length of the nose, the position of the eyes and the length of the chin, all conform to some aspect of the Golden Ratio.

When placed over the photo of Jessica Simpson, we see there is a good fit (that is, the proportions of her face fit the geometrically "nice" proportions of the mask, based on the Golden Ratio).
Her beauty is mathematical!

by M Bourne